Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Face Paint Protects Soldiers Against Bomb Blasts

If I remember those county-fair firefighter demonstrations well enough, one of the major problems firefighters face is that they're already too scary.

In a house fire, children are startled awake by alarms, surrounded by disorienting smoke, and seeing flashing lights outside their window. Then suddenly a grotesque figure with a misshapen body and respirator mask comes bursting in to their room carrying a giant axe, with flames surrounding them. The children scream and run away, frantically hoping to escape their certain doom at the hands of the demon from the hallway. It's no use. Their shocked scream was heard, and the monster lumbers toward them, making unintelligible noises that sound almost like speech. Finally the great beast peels off his face to show a human underneath. "It's okay, I'm a fireman. I'll take you outside." Before the children can fully understand what's going on, they're being carried toward the door, and it's so hot they can't think straight. Maybe this is alright. At the door now, and there's people outside. Then there's mommy and everything's alright.

Keeping whatever remnants of human appearance a firefighter has is a good thing.

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/Bwcx_YalRUc/new-face-paint-protects-soldiers-against-bomb-blasts

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