Monday, August 13, 2012

The Cheerio Family: Pregnancy Update: 32 Weeks

How far along:

Total weight gain/loss:
I've gained another five pounds, so 15 pounds total. It doesn't seem like that much, but when I look in the mirror, I definitely see it!?

Maternity clothes:

Yes. I've narrowed my maternity clothes section down to the bare minimum. Now that I'm reading this, it seems pretty silly to have gotten rid of so much, but I am just done with anything that isn't super comfy and cool. I wear a tank top and a maxi skirt most days when I have to be out and about, and lounge around the house in ultra comfy clothes.


Apparently, Evan thinks my internal organs and ribcage are her personal playground. This girl has her feet, hands and bum in all the most uncomfortable places. I especially love the sharp jabs to my cervix!




I'm hanging in there, but am SO done with being pregnant.

Food cravings:?

I haven't been craving much of anything. I am eating smaller and smaller portions, also- there is just no room for a big meal now (and I try to avoid heartburn as much as I possibly can). I bought a regular sized bag of hot Cheetos before our trip, thinking they might make it until we hit the freeway, but after I opened them, I didn't even want them! I had 95% of the bag when we came home.


Oh man, when we wer eon our trip and the first few nights we were back, I actually slept the whole night though- it was glorious!!! I'm back to tossing and turning all night now, which means rough nights for both Joel and I.?


All the usual suspects: back pain, anemia, contractions, heartburn, nausea, exhaustion, misery.

So, I was pretty sure I would have GD again with Evan, but my one hour glucose test came back perfect. I want to still be careful, but I almost always have at least one treat during the day- I cannot curb my sweet tooth (teeth?) for anything!

Stretch marks?:?

Surprisingly, no. I keep thinking one day I am going to a loud ripping noise and just know it's either going to be my skin or my pants.

Labor Signs:

I went to the hospital on Thursday morning because I was having intense contractions close together (within 5-7 minutes of each other) for several hours. Yes, I know the doctor recommends going if there are more than 6 contractions in one hour, but if I followed that rule, I'd be at the hospital every single day. There is still no change to my cervix, but the contractions keep coming... I got a couple shots of terbutaline and all calmed down enough to go home.?

Belly Button in or out:

It is still in right now, but there is so much pressure behind my belly button that I am scared it will pop out any day now. :/

What I miss:?

Everything. I cannot wait until this baby is here and I can start to feel normal again.

What I am looking forward to:?

Mobility. Energy. Eating without raging heartburn. Snuggling my little baby.?

Best moment this week:

Joel gave me the best massage for like, an hour the other night. I think I was slipping in and out of a relaxation coma. It was amazing.?


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