Monday, September 24, 2012

The forgotton passions of one?s youth

Here?s a sweet survey from goo Ranking, looking at the flames of teenage passion that one has forgotten as an adult.

First Love


From the 6th to the 9th of July 2012 1,016 members of the goo Research monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 60.0% of the sample were female, 9.9% in their teens, 12.7% in their twenties, 29.0% in their thirties, 27.0% in their forties, 11.0% in their fifties, and 10.3% aged sixty or older. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample.

Looking at the answers, a common theme in many of them appears to be undeclared or unrequited love, which is not an unusual occurance in Japanese schools, as far as I am aware. I was totally unaware of anything when I was in school, so I cannot give a comparison with the Scottish situation! Note, I?ve translated everything in the present tense as I think the answers read better with a sense of immediacy.

Ranking result

Q: What flames of teenage passion have you forgotten since you?ve become an adult? (Sample size=1,016)

Rank ? Score
1 The heart beating faster as our eyes meet 100
2 The heart beating faster as we pass each other in the corridor 92.7
3 The heart beating faster as we talk 88.3
4 Waiting for the phone to ring 73.8
5 The heart beating faster as we hold hands 73.6
6 The first time we hold hands 61.1
7 The heart beating faster while I wait at the date start point for them 58.5
8 Watching them performing at their after-school club activities 45.1
9 Feeling lonely when I return home from a date 44.3
10 Being far too nervous on the first date 43.8
11 Walking home from school together 40.9
12 Panicking when their family answers the phone 40.4
13 Being unable to sleep due to joy and nervousness the night before the date 31.3
14 Going to have a look at where the person I fancy lives 28.8
15 Even on holidays, enjoying being able to meet them at club activities 23.8
16 Sending a love letter 23.6
17 Going out on a group that includes the person I fancy 22.8
18= Faking a cold attitude in front of other people 19.4
18= Going round to visit the person I fancy?s class 19.4
20= Keeping an overnight date secret from my parents 18.4
20= Giving them a hand-made present for their birthday, etc 18.4
22 Anxiously awaiting a reply on my pager 17.4
23 Regret that I didn?t make an honest apology when rowing 16.1
24 Everything ending when I can?t even declare my love at the graduation ceremony 15.0
25 Studying together 14.5
26 Accidentally on purpose phoning them 13.7
27 Being in the same team, group at the school sports, culture, etc festival 13.2
28 Getting their second-top button at the graduation ceremony 12.4
29 Us drifting apart because neither of us are serious 11.1
30 Having a top-secret investigation of the type of person they like 10.6
31 Appearing too neat and tidy, too much of a tough guy in front of the person I fancy 10.6
32 Pretending to fancy someone else 9.8
33 Secretly, frantically studying up on their hobbies, interests 9.3
34 Declaring my love on St Valentine?s Day 9.1
35 Waiting to swap back our swapped diaries 8.5
36= Skiving off school together 8.3
36= Being unable to declare my love once my friends found out who I had my eye on 8.3
38 Going to attend a school event that the person I fancy is appearing in 5.7
39= Declaring my love on graduation day 4.1
39= Changing my hair, fashion to match the celebrity they like 4.1
Read more on: goo ranking,love


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